Sunday, June 24, 2012

The planning

Four friends begin a journey together to find great beer in Cascadia. Along the way we hope to find moments of introspection as we solve many of the world’s problems (as defined by us). We will find the beach, we will find the best beer in Cascadia (21 breweries on the agenda). Camaraderie and friendship is the foundation of this excursion into beer mecca with some destinations known and others unknown.  We follow the philosophy of Lebowski, “The dude Abides”.  

            We invite our friends and family to follow us on this escapade.  Our posts on this blog will of course remain G-Rated and those of you who know us best will read between the lines and find the truths. 

            Here are some pictures from our final planning meeting.  Departure date is July 2, 2012.  We will post several times each day.  We will most likely have several posts on Facebook as well.

            Enjoy the trip, we know we will…

Heath Packard - AKA "The Dude"
Responsibilities: Keeping the rest of us in line

Mike Steenhout - AKA "Trouble"
Responsibilities: CFO - Cascadia Beer Oddessey

Mac Nicholson - AKA "The Enabler"
Responsibilities: Navigation

Arlen Harris - AKA "The Guru"
Responsibilities: Bringing the Knowledge


And travelling by Proxy is Mr. Michael Vincent Reilly.  AKA The instigator. 
Duties: Vicarious toasting!

Theme Song - Far Behind - Eddie Vedder


  1. Yo Arlen, what an outstanding endeavor. We will live vicariously through your adventures. Have the finest of times amigo!

  2. Sounds amazing. I'm taking notes, I've had one of these planed for a few years now. Good luck and have a blast!
